Adresse IP (Internet Protocol Adresse) Ce numéro est un numéro exclusif que tous les produits de la technologie de l'information (imprimantes, routeurs, modems, etc.) utilisent et qui leur permet de communiquer entre eux sur un réseau informatique.

What Is My IP?® is the industry leader in providing REAL IP address information. We provide IP address tools that allow users to perform an Internet Speed Test, IP address lookup, proxy detection, IP Whois Lookup, and more. We have extensive tutorials that show users how to trace an email address, how to change IP addresses, and how to hide their IP information. Pour chaque adresse ip, les Regional Internet registry maintiennent un Whois régulièrement mis à jour. Encore faut t'il savoir lequel des 5 RIR est compétent pour tel ou tel ip. C'est justement le but de l'API, déterminer s'il existe un Whois pour l'ip puis retourner l'adresse du serveur Whois à intérroger pour obtenir les informations. 19/10/2018 03/07/2020

GeoIP2 Precision: City Results. No IP addresses submitted yet. IP Address, Country Code, Location, Network, Postal Code, Approximate Coordinates 

Localisation et fournisseur d'accès de n'importe quelle adresse IP. Localiser une adresse IP : L'utilisateur de l'adresse IP ( - Microsoft Corp) est situé à (United States - ). IP à proximité - Répertoire de serveurs proxy - English Internet Protocol Address (or IP Address) is an unique address that computing devices such as personal computers, tablets, and smartphones use to identify itself and communicate with other devices in the IP network. Any device connected to the IP network must have an unique IP address within the network. An IP address is analogous to a street address or telephone number in that it is used to

Our tools include checking your public IP as well as checking the physical location of IP owner. This service is 100% free and provided by third-party sites in the form of Geo-Location databases and APIs. This tool shows your IP by default. However, you can type any IP …

your computer's IP address,; information about the nearby wireless access points, and; a random client identifier, which is assigned by Google, that expires every